Dear dad…

A letter to daddy who left us two weeks ago, as we're adjusting our lives to learn how to live without him. Nothing can fill the empitness in our hearts right now. Daddy, Where do I begin? I’m not meant to be writing this... not for another 20 to 30 years at least. Words usually... Continue Reading →

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Curtain up in 5!!

Hi there! Wow. I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. If I’d written a post every time I thought about starting a blog, I think I could have written a trilogy novel by now. But I guess it’s never too late!

Featured post

List 30 things that make you happy. Dancing Singing Being on stage Friends Family Reading Writing Watching performances Self growth Personal achievements Meeting career goals The sea (being around it or in it) Walks in nature Photography Good laughs Profound and intelligent conversations The feeling after a good workout Music Travelling Learning new things Experiencing... Continue Reading →

“Break a Leg!”

It's been a while since my last blog post, but hey, rehearsals took over my life for a while and I couldn't be happier about that! The Klutz in me hasn't died however! Take a look at my 'Chicago' journey...

Finding art in sports

What Olympic sports do you enjoy watching the most? I was never really a sporty person. It was always about the arts with me. Of course, you can still be incredibly physically active, even if you’re not sporty. I used to dedicate as many hours to dance as an athlete would to their training programme.... Continue Reading →

The Ballerina in me

When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up? The dream was always to be a dancer. I’ve always loved to dance and at age four, my parents sent me to my first Ballet class. I fell in love with the art form, from my very first lesson and dreamed... Continue Reading →

Chop Chop… it’s gone!

When you feel the need for a change, try to find a way to help others while you are at it. There are times in life when we feel that the changes we are going through mentally and emotionally, somehow need to be reflected in our physical appearance. There are other times when your hair... Continue Reading →

The return of the family holiday…

It had been a while since we last travelled altogether as a family. If I’m perfectly honest, I wasn’t too thrilled about the thought of having to cope with everyone’s opinions and “I know it best" attitudes, but the “family holiday” made its return this year. A history of the family holiday A country I’d... Continue Reading →

2 years later… another letter to daddy

2 years later, it hasn’t gotten an easier. I still struggle to accept the fact that I can’t pick up the phone and hear his voice whenever I need a little advice. I’m not sure if it will ever get easier. I still haven’t learnt how to live without my king. So here’s one more letter with all that I wish I could tell daddy right now.

Sisterly bonds in unexpected places

This one's for the girls Sometimes we meet people in life who leave permanent marks on our hearts, and we can meet them in the least expected moments and places. It is then so much harder to say goodbye when it’s time for them to move on to embark on a new adventure. This might... Continue Reading →

On-stage memoirs of a true klutz

On most days, performers are praised for their grace on stage. But I assure you that with a klutz such as myself, that grace can be lost within a blink of an eye. Having just celebrated International dance day, I took a trip down memory lane of my clumsiest theatre moments.

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